Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Timo Descamps

He's not really a household name in America. From Belgium, he's much more popular in Europe with his music. He's also openly gay. And he's possibly at his best doing charity work. He grew up doing television. And is now, doing more films here in America.

"I’ve been very lucky. Belgium is a very open minded country, a little like the Netherlands. Being openly gay hasn’t really affected my work in Belgium. It’s kinda like living in a bubble." He says about the difference there compared to here.  "I’m an openly gay actor working mainstream jobs in Belgium. I hosted my own kids show on a Belgian channel, I even worked for Disney Channel Netherlands for a few months. In the end people don’t really care if celebrities are gay or straight. And that’s the way it should be I think," Timo said in a recent interview.

Am I too common for your love? Too mainstream? Not spiced up enough? Maybe I’m too naive or too clean for your love? Am I too common for your love? Too mainstream? Not spiced up enough? Maybe I’m too naive… or tell me, do you like it rough?
Timo Descamps

Descamps single I like it rough is on the soundtrack in the movie Judas Kiss. It is a restricted video on You Tube. "They marked it as 18+ because there is a scene in which I am making out with another guy. I was shocked to see this happen only two days after I posted the video, but it does make me realize that I’m really living in a bubble. Everything might seem ok in Belgium but there’s still a lot of work to do before people will stop making a distinction between gay and straight."

Timo lives with his boyfriend Danny and they travel a lot. He's also busy with his charity work. "This past year I’ve been an ambassador for the Damien Foundation, which is Belgium’s number three charity organization." He says the Damien Foundation locates and treats patients infected with leprosy or TB globally.  "These are huge problems in a lot of underdeveloped areas, but also in countries like India and China. I visited one of their projects in India to see what they are doing for these people. My visit was a real eye opener. We made a short documentary about my trip." He also recorded ‘Tomorrow’ . "A really positive and up-tempo song with a message of hope. I wrote this song for Kannan and Arun, 2 young with TB and Leprosy infected boys that I met in India."

There is a certain sincerity about Timo. He's also very animated and hopefully we will see more of him in films in America.



  1. It's so wonderful to see a young person doing good for others! :)

  2. Wow he is gorgeous and sounds really good

  3. I love that he is so involved with charity work!

  4. oh he is cute!! looking forward to seeing more of himm :)
    thnx for the lovely comment. Your blog is cool and definitely following on GFC.. hope you can follow mine if you like it!

  5. I love that helping, like he is. Its a good cause.

  6. great men's style. thx for ur sweet comment on my blog, do you want to follow each other?


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