Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ren & Wade

 Finally, they make it to her place. It hasn't exactly been a blast. The heat and humidity just add to the stress, but at least the elevator is working and they are on their last lag, so to speak. Truly, Wade is getting heavy. 

Of course, there is no Auntie M perched on her recliner. But it doesn't bother Ren as she hurries him along to her room. Supposedly, a safe place for the both of them. Soon enough she plops Wade on the bed and of course, he winces as if she has done him in.

But she gets him settled. He's in his tank and pants. Head propped up on all her girly pillows. She can tell he doesn't like it, but he's exhausted.

"I'm not so sure about this," he admits.

"You'll be fine. We'll go to work tomorrow. You'll see. You'll be good as new," Ren tells him as she takes the ankle boot off and his shoe. Of course, she's still determining where the other shoe went. She'll have to find a matching pair in Auntie M's closet. Good thing her aunt never got rid of her husband's wardrobe.

"But I need to pee," he sighs.

"Oh, now you tell me," Ren sighs. She should have expected it. Of course, she wants to change too, and she's going to whether he likes it or not. She goes and finds her favorite outfit to slum in. Her pale PJ pants and a gray tank. 

He keeps staring at her as she takes off her bra and bares her tiny tits, but she acts as if they might be siblings. He frowns at her as she's flaunting. She cracks ups, as if. All is in order and she turns to say, "You didn't pee your pants, did you?"

He gives her a snide look. He takes his pants off as if it will be less to worry about. He's in his black jockeys. She thinks of Auntie M's husband. He only wore briefs. She'll see if she can find some. 

"I think you can wear my old uncle's clothes." Ren shrugs.

"What for?" Naturally, Wade is in a fret about it.

"For work," she tells him.

"Work?" It's as if he's forgotten about tomorrow. He pushes a pillow until it's comfortable. She knows he hates the place, but he hasn't gotten up, but finally he sits up.

"Where's the bathroom?"

"I'll take you."

"I want to do it by myself."

He is straight-lipped as if he can not live under these conditions. Ren sighs and promises him he'll want her to go with him, and she does.

She struggles with him down the thin hall, and they exit to the left. It's tidy enough, but there are many things of  Auntie M's to gross him out, like her false teeth on the sink counter. He does his business while she turns to get a towel and wash cloth and turns on the shower to let it warm.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Look, you need a shower," she tell him.

"What about you?" He looks at her as if she is making matters worse.

"OK, I need one too," she nods.

"What do you mean?"

"Just get in the shower," she tell him she'll be right back. So he struggles and she pulls his shirt over his head. She knows he thinks she'll stay for a while, but she doesn't. After all, she needs wine.

Later, they manage to go back to her room without an encounter with Auntie M who is back in her recliner snoozing. Ren has managed to have an armload of snacks for Wade that she hopes will suffice through the night. Of course, when she gets back he's already snoozing in bed in her old uncle's briefs.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Look what they were going to throw away!


 I loved Some Kind Of Wonderful! I didn't know there was a book! And I love the first paragraph! I am a fan of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and it's a good copy. & Waiting looks really good too. Sadly, these are not the kind of YA books you find in the library anymore. Everything is written differently now. Oh, I still love K.A. Applegate's Ocean City and the Islanders!

BTW David Bischoff is a famous Science Fiction writer who was a creative writing professor at a Pennsyvannia University who found time to write Some Kind of Wonderful based on the  movie.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Snow Moon


Honestly, I have never seen a C-drama quite like this one. Let's just say Li Jia Qi aka Nicky Li (who I love dearly and is my Sammie in my Caitlin and Megan series) is the Carol Burnett of Chinese cinema. She takes it to a whole new level as the girl who keeps getting killed off by the Fox Demon. Although, you might find her to be a compulsive liar and she might not be the smartest tool in the shed. Oh, she can really get in some funny situations with the serious prince aka the Fox Demon. Of course, he plays it cool even if he is in love with her. He seems to have fun with a comeback line, "I just might eat you tonight."

This drama is full of lies, some supernatural alignments, and false loves who want her to do all the dirty work. Meanwhile, she gets to sleep with him and her hedgehog on a bed of ice, and the guy who tells her he never sleeps always falls asleep when she tells him about her life.

It is a crazy drama. So don't go in thinking it will be a serious one.

Zuo Ye is the handsome Fox demon who comes off as rather vampirish. Although, they spend a lot of time together while she's plotting revenge and he's trying to save her from getting killed again. Although, she is cute and clumsy who thinks if she gets his fox tail will be the end. She has no clue who the real bad guys are. Of course, this means she has probably had plenty of time to see a lot of parts of him, but you know those period pieces they bath with their clothes.