Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Nonfiction Tuesday - Illustration School

Created by one of Japan’s most popular artists, this book provides detailed and complete instruction for illustrating fun and appealing characters and elements that celebrate life. The author’s special and distinct style is simple, appealing, happy, and cute and offers artists, crafters, and art enthusiasts—with and without experience—the instruction and inspiration to draw in the Japanese character style. This book is for artists and crafters of all skill levels that want to bring their own illustration to their work. It offers both entertaining and fun drawing instruction and techniques along with inspiring and sweet unique-style characters and elements

-sudden realization I have these four books ive yet to finish-Art Noob
So I ended up going back to Asia Books to buy Sachiko Umoto’s other Illustration School books. This one is ‘Let’s Draw Magical Color’ and it’s just as cute! -N

I saw this at Jo-Ann Fabrics and flipped through it. My 10 year old daughter was with me and fell in love with it. I brought it home and my 15-year-old daughter wanted to try it immediately too. The illustrations are just darling. Very simple and not requiring a ton of skill. But even a good artist would find some inspiration.-Westenhaver

This book teaches simple methods of drawing cartoon-style plants and fruits. There are some small creatures, as alluded to in the title, but if you'd like to draw a lot of animals, I recommend this author's book "Let's Draw Cute Animals," because it will be much more thorough. But if you want to draw plants, trees, and other things in nature, this is a great book. Since the author is Japanese, some of the plants are unfamiliar, but I thought that was kind of fun.

The format is that there is drawing instruction on the left side of the book, and the facing page has some gray outlines where you can trace the picture and learn to draw it. I will probably just attempt to draw the pictures myself on paper because I don't like writing in books unless they're coloring books.

This book is not for people who want to draw extremely realistic plants and fruit; it will help you with simple cartooning. It is meant for children, I think, and would be appropriate for ages 7 and up. I am an adult who loves to draw cute little doodles, so it's perfect for me. The only thing I didn't like is that the book is quite small and stiff, so it won't stay open on its own when you're drawing. You have to clip it to something or hold it with your hand. That might be frustrating for little kids, so be prepared to help them out when they want to copy pictures from the book.-Music & Literature Garden


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