Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Felicity Smoak

One of my favorite characters on TV showed her dark side last week on ARROW. Oh, one thing for sure Emily Bett Rickards always shows us a sweet best friend in the world Felicity Smoke, who might be in love with Oliver, yet she's realizing maybe she should give her new boss (Brandon Routh).

Yet last week we got the flash back story on Felicity in college. While Oliver was on the island, Felicity was at the Uni with very dark hair and even a darker boyfriend (Nolan Gerard Funk) who she thought was dead. Once upon a time they'd been hackers together and he comes back as the very evil Brother Eye.

We also get to meet Felicity's mother played by the sexy Charlotte Ross.

I dunno if I'd really want Oliver and Felicity together. I actually like Felicity best with Barry (The Flash)

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