Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Deano & Roman


How do you feel about your friend's relationship?

DEANO: I don't think he's happy. (He is silent as he drinks his beer) I love this guy with all my heart but..but I think he's trapped. I know he always does the right thing. (Deano nods) for the most part. But I think he's a people pleaser, you know. And..yeah, maybe..maybe I've said some things I shouldn't have said about you... ROMAN: (He stares at Deano before he takes another sip of beer) Like what? DEANO: I'd rather not say. (he shrugs) ROMAN: Say it. (He shots Deano a look as if they might be the best of friends after all.) DEANO: (Deano tries to press a smile) Look, I love you man..but..but you can be an airhead. ROMAN: An airhead? What the hell is that supposed to mean? DEANO: I dunno exactly, but I think you are one. I mean, I keep thinking..oh, he's gonna find love. He's going to be with who he should be with and before I know it, you are living with this girl that..well..I don't understand it..if..if you'd rather be..

ROMAN: You are just so simple. (Roman shakes his head, no) You don't even try to understand..cause..you..you are with your soulmate, I guess. (He sighs takes another sip from his beer) I just have to put up with it. OK. (His eyes are lit as if he's peeved with his friend, but finishes off his beer) We can not all be with the love of our life. And bro, listen to me. I am doing the best I can. So stop saying I dunno what I'm doing. Cause there is no air racing around in this head of mine.


  1. It's so sad not being with the ones you like

  2. Deano siempre me agradado. Te mando un beso

  3. oh dear.... a loveless relationship, is a no no for me.

    Glowyshoe's blog

  4. Such an interesting exchange! I'm delighted that the whole Roman as airhead thing has resurfaced -- I find it really funny, especially the way you handle it here. Also, it's key when Roman points out that Deano's already with the love of his life. Caitlin is sometimes so cranky -- despite being my favorite character! -- that I sometimes forget she's one half of one of the most rock solid relationships in this series (next to Cori and Megan, of course). As always, your interviews reveal a wealth of emotional layers. :)

    Also, I was so very happy to see my little Halloween trio again! That was a big surprise! Thanks so much; you rock!!!


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