Monday, September 12, 2022

back in the saddle again


Lin Yu Shen might have a stoic side. Yet, he's so graceful with a sword, on a horse, and still capable of being a Lady's man. Oh, and he has the best hairdo of all in this latest Wuxia Drama 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

Although, Lin Yu Shen is not the star of the show SIDE STORY OF FOX VOLANT he does get the story started with his complex situation. The best of the best of a martial artist fighting his best friend just for a contest but his saber sword (Poisoned actually it was his friend's poisoned sword, but they exchanged swords in the final duel) ends up killing his close friend. So the mystery could this have happen? Naturally, he's no stranger to enemies. Everyone wants him dead, even the son of  his friend, but somehow he's there to help the kid learn martial arts. Yes, a Wuxia story at his best by Jin Song is here in 2022. With lots of action! A beautiful production. Indeed!


  1. Never heard of it, but I like the fact that you have said that it has an stoic side! I will definitely check it in the future
    Btw, I have just discovered your blog and it's amazing :)
    Kisses from

  2. I donno this! I have just watched The Iron Mask with Jackie but I didn't know a lot of the younger actors!

  3. Uy se ve tan guapo. Te mando un beso. Citu

  4. Sounds -- and looks! -- dramatic. So glad you enjoyed it. 🖤


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