Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Non-Fiction Tuesday


Perfect gift for that student going off to college or maybe you are ready to travel again...lots of great ways to pack a suitcase. But this is more than about folding items. It's about a way of life. Setting goals. Keeping house. Taking care of YOU and your family. The author really has some really in-depth ways of being successful. You might already have seen her on Instagram or some of her Tic-Tocs. I really enjoyed looking through this book. 


  1. I love organization content, I didn't know this book

  2. Looks good- I love those colorful afghans

  3. Se ven muy lindas las cobijas. Te mando un beso. Citu https://enamoradadelasletras.blogspot.com/

  4. When I first saw this, it took me back to my days of using the folding board to fold shirts at Fashion Bug! But as you say, this book is so much more. I like anything that makes use of a metaphor, so this seems promising. Love how you styled the book with the colorful quilts!


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