Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Yes! It's here!


I was afraid ARE YOU SAVE wouldn't make it VIKI and I might get to catch an episode or two on YouTube with very bad subbing. But it is now just airing in China too. So WOW! Super excited about this cybercrime series. With Tan Jian Ci (who's already shown his smile which seldom ever happens in a drama that he's in) at the helm, I can hardly wait for what the drama might hold. And the first episode was at a good pace. With the plot already thickening the cyber expert gets hacked by a girl who turns out to be a guy. 31 episodes!


  1. wow, i loved this storyline. It looks super awesome and I already want to watch it. I'm super sad that I can't use some Fansubs to watch dramas

  2. Uy parece un buen dorama. Te mando un beso.

  3. That's great! I get really excited for new TV too. And it's just about that time of year, with most fall lineups starting tomorrow. Happy viewing! 📺


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