Friday, July 28, 2023

Rachel & Huck🌸


Rachel was anxious. Oh, sure Huck said a lot of things, but she'd hate to burst his bubble. After all, she knew already that Heath definitely had his eye on someone else and it wasn't the female persuasion.

Oh, was that it? Huck knew too and that's what made the pimple of their distress pop? She stood on the sidelines wishing this Big Kahuna would happen already. The surf shop closed down. And she felt miles away from the ocean, even if she was sitting next to Cobie's ex whom everyone kept calling Sheila. 

The wind whipped her hair about. She could hardly keep on a bucket hat. Yes, it was just a little miserable out here even with her shades on. 

She spotted Huck with his gear and longboard. It would be his ride soon. A part of her thought she might nap through the whole thing. The cheap cans of wine didn't help any, but Cobie kept making the whole thing one big party.

"Stop," Sheila ordered. She wouldn't let Cobie give Rachel another can of wine. She took the unopened can from Rachel and gave her chilled water. "You must stay hydrated."

"Where's..where's Serena?" Rachel found herself asking. Wasn't she Huck's number-one fan?

"Oh, she's found somebody to fanboy over. She started working at the yogurt place," Sheila hugged herself with a shrug as she watched the surfers going against the waves. "If she wants any school clothes this year, I told her she was going to have to work for them."

Rachel found herself almost laughing. Maybe Serena had found herself a nerdy boy to make over. She looked at Cobie then hoping Serena was more like her mother than her father. 

Everyone in the crowd that was building along the sands started to cheer when Huck took to the waves. He was a hometown boy.  "That's Mick's boy!" Some old surfer yelled and did a whistle whoop of sorts.

"And this is Huck's girl!" Cobie announced as if she might be the seaside village princess after all.

Rachel just about keeled over, but she managed to smile and wave back at the crowd.

"No matter what happens today," Cobie roared to the crowd. "Mick's will be open tomorrow! So come and see us!"

Sheila gave a slight heave and turned away from him. Rachel could see those two were never getting back together.

Finally, the wave began to build and like a smooth sail on a skateboard, Huck found his natural groove and balanced on the longboard as if he'd been doing this since he was seven. The whole ride was over in a few minutes.

It was a sigh of relief for Rachel. But then came Heath's turn and everyone knew who the winner was then. But Rachel didn't care. No, she just wanted to get back to Huck.

Yes, she was certain if anyone needed to get away from this grind, it was Huck and she was ready for Disneyland.


  1. Ooh Disneyland. Nice ride though Huck. I like these two together. Rachel is settling n and this story is going nicely. :)

    Fanta! I'm drinking Faygo right now...

    Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for your comments. Story resumes on Sunday... :) Nice that you have day off. It's hot here too. 90's

  2. Genial fragmento Ojala se divierta en Disneylandia Te mando un beso.

  3. So much good stuff in here! Some of my favorites:

    "Oh, was that it? Huck knew too and that's what made the pimple of their distress pop?"

    "And this is Huck's girl!" Cobie announced as if she might be the seaside village princess after all.

    "Yes, she was certain if anyone needed to get away from this grind, it was Huck and she was ready for Disneyland."

    The overall vibe is so uplifting -- and so summer! 🌊🌞


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