Monday, September 25, 2023

a cat story


and my cat won't stay in the costume my boyfriend got him...

Yeah, it's kind of a funny story. Ezra wants Jung to be a vampire cat, but he is being very testy. I think Jung wants me to break up with Ezra. I never really thought Ezra could be this controlling. After all, Halloween is Ezra's favorite holiday. I'm actually a Thanksgiving person, but I haven't told him that yet. I don't like haunted houses. And I guess Ezra might be Goth. I didn't even know. So the weekend is kind of crazy with my cat and Ezra. I know I have to choose soon. Ezra or Jung? But I've known Jung since he was a kitten and Ezra thinks Jung needs his claws removed. NO WAY. I would never do that to Jung. Besides, I'm sure Jung is only giving Ezra love bites. Hopefully, Ezra won't come down with Cat Scratch Fever.


  1. Ha I vote Jung. Although the vamp cat thing IS fun!

  2. Me enamore d el gato vampiro. Te mando un beso.

  3. This brings new meaning to me or the cat! Bites or not, my money's on Jung. 😻🧶💖

    That pumpkin dump cake sounds so good! I'm not surprised that the expired canned pumpkin went undetected; August wasn't that long ago. I've definitely done something similar! 🎃🍰


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