Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Axton & Chili


 So what do you think about Dory and Cedric's relationship?

CHILI: Thank God, they aren't asking about us (Chili laughs as she looks over at Axton).

AXTON: (He grins and shakes his head) Ain't that the truth.

CHILI: (She sucks in a breath then clears her throat as if she's ready to talk, but she chokes perhaps a cough and a laugh) Um, Dory really isn't that forthcoming. I mean even in the group where we talked, he never said much. I dunno. He's just a quiet guy. I think he grew up in a house where you were seen but not heard. Maybe, he never really had a chance to make friends, even as a kid. I think friendships are hard for him (Chili nods).

AXTON: (Shakes his head no) Cedric is the exact opposite. I don't think he's ever met a stranger he didn't like, but when it comes to Dory I know he's downright smitten..only that might mean he'll mess it up good. (Axton shrugs) He does fall in love easily, but I think he's getting better. Cause, he has been hurt more than once. 

CHILI: Maybe he's just what Dory needs. (Chili smiles). I think Dory likes him, but he's just not sure how to be, or something like that. 

AXTON: Well Cedric's fallen hard for him. God, he was dancing around when he told me about him. I hadn't seen him that kind of way since the pandemic. 


  1. Hope it works out. Sometimes opposites attract. It's fun to see these two discussing them. :)

  2. Me gusta Cedric te mando un beso.

  3. Oh, it's very eye-opening to hear about Dory and Cedric's budding relationship from Chili and Axton! Chili is especially insightful. Still, although Dory and Cedric are opposites, they both seem really vulnerable. Dory because that's just how he is, and Cedric because he's into Dory so much. I'm interested to see how this one plays out . . . 🤔💖


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