Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Rachel & Huck

 It wasn't looking easy in Rachel's state of mind. There was no way Huck could just leave the Surf Shop and the Beach House.

Huck and Cobie went round and round about how it was up to both of them to keep the business going. Sometimes, it would start out as a heart-to-heart but then end in a shouting match. Of course, Rachel didn't see this plan of Huck's of going to the heartland happening.

"We're going," he'd snap about his matters with Cobie. True, Cobie had a way of keeping Huck up, late at night. She knew he felt used. It was as if she knew he was trapped and a part of her felt she'd fallen into the same hole with him.

It was either the Surf Shop or the Beach House. And as nice as those two things sound, well it could get pretty mundane after a while. She knew he wanted to go back to school. He'd only had one semester of college . Cobie snatched him back home to tend to business. After all, wasn't he a surfer too?

"We'll think of something," she said after a while. Hey, she even played the lottery at the local CVS when she got a chance.

"We'll put in our lucky numbers," she joked. 

"Yeah, what kind of luck do we have?" He'd laughed on their little sneaky visit to load up on snacks from the drugstore.

After all, they'd had only one really proper night together. The rest of it was sleeping in the same room with whoever needed a room. Rachel swore it was more of a hostel than a bed and breakfast. Yet, the more they were together, the more they talked and she knew whose side she was on. Definitely, not Cobie's.

"You know, I used to believe the mystery person we both knew online was actually Cobie, but I doubt that now." Rachel felt sad and enslaved as they kept the Beach House up and the Surf Shop opened and closed. Why couldn't that person help them now? But she knew it wouldn't do any good to say it aloud.

Huck was all quiet. She knew he had a lot on his mind. Still, she wondered if they'd be hitchhiking before they got out of there.

"This is something we have to do ourselves," he said about the mystery person who hadn't texted either of them in ages.

She reminded him that she'd flown out here. "Maybe we could just fly back." But as soon as she said it she knew it sounded silly. She'd checked the flights during the holidays and they were horrendous. People leaving California these days couldn't even get a Uhaul. Not that she thought they should go by Uhaul (She'd heard one of the old surfers talk about people leaving the state. He made it sound as if the end was near). Still, it would be steep to rent a car, but much cheaper than taking the Amtrack.  

Of course, if they did make it back to Iowa, Rachel was sure Huck would hate it. 

"I'll be happy anywhere I'm with you," Huck had promised with a kiss on the forehead. Oh, she hoped he didn't eat his words.


  1. Está junto de quem a gente ama ajuda e muito!
    Beijos! Ane🌺
    A Lua e Eu

  2. Oh, and real life intervenes! Whatever happens, I'm happy that Rachel and Huck had Disneyland! 🌊💖

  3. Aww... will they really go? PArt of me hopes they will. Would Huck be happy away from the ocean? He might be, with Rachel. PArt of me hopes they can make it work out there though...

    Thanks for your thoughts. I think Hillier is enjoyed by some and not by others, as I go through comments. :) She has taken on an outsized role. There was a little cameo role there by some characters from an earlier story I was curious to see if any of the readers from then would catch it, but so far no. :) It's beena few years though...

    I'm enjoying both Caitlin and Ellie blogs and the stories...

    1. Thanks so much! I am trying to keep it real with Huck and Rachel. Of course, there is that thought ..the grass is always greener somewhere else. And I think in life there are those challenges of "Should I stay or Should I go"...and if a relationship is involved..come more thoughts. Recently, a patron had gone home to her parents back East for Christmas while her new husband (just barely out of college) hung back to work at his fast food place and when she came back she wanted to stay there to be close to her sister and her new baby. Well, now they have gone back to live with her parents hoping he can find better work. Recently, so friends from California were here and they were saying how people wanted to move out of the state right now..and it's impossible to get a UHAUL and if you are lucky enough it might cost you a forturne. (✿◕‿◕✿)(✿◡‿◡)(u‿ฺu✿ฺ) On Writing..well, you just never know how some might react. I guess that's part of want to push something new out there and see what one might think. It is a gambit. There will be some characters you love to hate. Yet a reader might see a complete different side. Then there are those that aren't going to remember anything. In the end, we just might be entertaining ourselves. It is never easy to find the right balance, but it's always interesting when you surprise yourself. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Thanks again for reading and commenting. Keep Writing!

    2. I think thegrass IS always greener. Even myself, I often think aww California as I get older I wish I lived by the ocean. But I have the Great Lakes :)

      I think you are doing a great job w/ Huck and Rachel. I FEEL her yearnings in the story sometimes.

      I've heard people are leaving CA. I guess it's super expensive there...

      "entertaining ourselve" right? The best part for me is when the ending or the writing comes and I never saw THAT possibility ):):))

  4. Linda pareja. Te mando un beso.


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