Sunday, October 1, 2023

This & That


Finally got around to visiting this place. This is the first sandwich place I have been to that offers fries. It's been said to be on the BEST list of the Consumer Reports for sandwiches. Granted the toppings are fresh. Still, I'm not sure I loved it.

Some sandwiches come with more than others. Mine was a cold sub and I only had mayo, honey mustard, and spicy mustard to choose from.  While an Italian sub can be heated and automatically comes with yellow peppers and onions. 

I would have liked mine better with oil and vinegar, yellow peppers and onions. Also, they have multi-grain and white bread. We both said the sandwich was good, but the hubby likes Jimmy John's best.  I would rather have Subway because I can tell them exactly what I want on it and I usually like to have a 3 inch (or a salad) instead of a six-inch. True Jimmy John's offers the Unsandwich, but that's still a lot to consume in one sitting and even if I have half left's not so good the next day. 

The lemonade was good. We didn't opt for the fries. Maybe next time. We have had a pretty much Indian Summer weekend. I want fall back!

This is what I have been trying to make. I never knew it would be so hard to find simple bubble bottles. Perhaps, it's just the wrong time of the year. I ended up getting rid of a bottle of conditioner I didn't use to make some of these headphones for someone. Someone likes for his slim Ken to have his music on the go. It was great to see their imagination at work. I have to admit I found them both inspiring even if they did bicker from time to time. Of course, these days it is no longer a story they are playing out, but a game. Now if I would just get busy with these sweaters for Halloween. Who knows, I might get up the nerve to make a mask with a glue gun. 

Recently, I came across a headline about how these grandkids look exactly like their grandparents. Of course, it isn't true that Jeremy Allen White is Gene Wilder's grandson. I couldn't compare the two unless we are talking about method acting. 

I had always hoped Jeremy would get more recognition. And it seems he has with THE BEAR. He's also a dad with two kids and very close to his parents. Truly, he is one of my favorite actors. 


  1. He does look like Gene Wilder I think. Good to try new restaurants! Looks like a fun craft.

  2. We don't have this one in Spain, but sounds good
    Kisses ♥

  3. I've only been there once I think. I'm a big fan of oil and vinegar too. Subway is nice because you can get toppings like black olives and whatever. I like choices.

    I like Jersey Mike's a lot.

    Thank you for your comments! Hope you're having a great day. I do feel like I'm putting Joon through the ringer ha... :)

  4. Que pena que no te gusto el sanduche del todo. Te mando un beso.

  5. Que pena que no te gusto el sanduche del todo. Te mando un beso.

  6. Your trip to Penn Station East Coast Subs sounds interesting. I've never heard of it before but feel like I should have given the name! Anyway, I was surprised to hear that this was the first sandwich place you'd been to that served fries. Maybe that's an East Coast thing after too? 🤔🍟

    I didn't know all of that about Jeremy Allen White. I haven't seen The Bear yet but have heard good things. 📺✨

    I had to laugh at your comment about the Fruitcake Murder book. I always thought that the whole fruitcake thing was a myth, but your story about your mother making you one and expecting you to eat it despite it being months old lives up to the legend! Maybe there's enough alcohol in it to keep it fresh? Either way, that was good thinking to take photographic evidence of someone else eating it! 🎄🍋💖🍰


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