Monday, March 18, 2024

That event

 Well, it wasn't what I expected. And of course, I may have learned nothing in writing since I started this with 'Well'.

First of all, it wasn't in the meeting room I thought it would be in. I was expecting food too because it was talked about. And I knew I couldn't eat much for the potluck, so I packed a big ass salad. And the first thing the presenter said when we got moved to the new location (MakersSpace), "My Lord, you brought your dinner."

Well again..I know..I shouldn't say that word..BUT it started when I generally eat my crunched on carrots and stinky eggs as the show went on..a very small computer monitor. It was old school, but it gave us enough to chat about.

It seems we talk a lot more than we write..and I'm just not used to that. I  left early. I made it home in time to watch the last 3 episodes of Sword & Fairy. I cried a lot. Tried to think about the protagonist and antagonist and what they do for a story..but in the end, I just wanted to enjoy the show. Naturally, it went places that I guess wouldn't be in your typical fantasies..but in the end, I could smile again.

As usual, I know I have a lot of holes in knitting a story. But then again, in some cases, I like jumping ahead, and then going back to get other points of view. I don't do that as much as I used to. Yet on occasion, as a writer you do need to ask yourself a few questions. Still, there is that shred of emotional stuff. To some, "That's too much drama." While others are waiting for the feels. But like my new character Rainy, I just want to see where it goes.


  1. There is never too much drama

  2. Siempre es genial con quien compartir historias y vivencias cuando escribes. Te mando un beso.

  3. Kinda like book clubs where the book hardly gets discussed lol. But honetly I hear you on writing. This is a great post. I like how you expressed that. And I'm glad the show pushed your emotional buttons.

  4. No one should be shamed for eating dinner! And I agree with Greg; this totally reminded me of those book clubs that are all about wine and gossip. Maybe it's because I'm an introvert, but I've always felt that the best creative work is done solo. 📓🥕🥚


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