Sunday, April 28, 2024

In search of Weezer



No, that's not his real name, just a character I felt I had neglected on Caitlin & Megan. From my understanding, I think the model goes by Carrington. I first spotted him in an AirWalk Campaign a few years ago on Forever 21. Only, he isn't a regular in their men's clothing. 

Immediately, I knew who he was at least in my stories. Of course, this meant thinking of someone I actually knew who had those curls. His name was Puc that I met one summer at the lake. I wasn't even in middle school then. He was my friend's cousin who was just out of high school. And most of the summer his attire was wearing cutoffs and flipflops. Honestly, he was full of vices, but still laid back and oh so very cool.

Now Weezer, isn't quite like that, but I could imagine maybe his dad was. Weezer, is the type of person who likes to tinker with things and learns the mechanics of it. He's not a trendsetter, worried about the right clothes or look (I'm pretty sure Carrington worries about these things since he is a model).

I find Weezer carefree for the most part. He's had it easy for the most part, but then he has never asked for much, nor worried about his dad, either.  And then he met Nonnie who he ends up with even if they met through work. 

Of course, his story is one where he steps out on his own before he realizes it. He tries not to think that his Dad might not accept his relationship with Nonnie since she is of color. Instead, his excuse is that his dad still has more feelings for his first born, a daughter, from a previous marriage, who finds a way of snatching the family money in her wayward adventures.

It was a recent surprise to find Carrington on Pinterest when I was combing the site for white haired male models since I am in dire need of more "Elvis" pics.  That's another story...entirely.


  1. Good idea to visualize your characters via actual photos

  2. Not sure i understand the story portrayed here

    1. Oh, this is just a character study...and the process of finding characters.

  3. It was fun learning more about Weezer! Both the character and your inspirations behind him. I particularly enjoyed this part:

    "He's not a trendsetter, worried about the right clothes or look (I'm pretty sure Carrington worries about these things since he is a model)."

    I agree that Carrington is probably more, ahem, clothes-minded than Weezer. 😏👔👕👖

  4. Es guapo y es norma que tus personajes cambien a medida de tu historia. y como utilizo actores o modelos. A mi me pasa y a veces cuando creo terminó cambiando a un personaje completamente o lo descuido. Te mando un beso.

    1. He's handsome, and it's the norm for your characters to change according to your story. and how I use actors or models. It happens to me and sometimes when I think I end up changing a character completely or I neglect it. I send you a kiss.💕🌈🍨🍧🩷🌸Thanks so much for your comment!


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