Tuesday, June 25, 2024

It's a Profile (actually 2)


Name: Renee Olsen but everyone calls her Ren because she's a little bird. Age: 22 although, most think she is still in high school. Birthday: August 30th. She's a Virgo but doesn't feel like one. Hometown: Austin, Texas but she hasn't been back since she was six. Likes: A good job with a good wage, but she hasn't exactly found one yet. She likes the University, but it doesn't always have the classes she needs so it is taking a while to get a degree in English which she wonders now was a bad idea. Ice cream, waffles, her greens (she knows how to eat like a ballerina since her mother was one, but often she'd rather have something much more appealing). Sandwichs, peanut butter, apples, carrots and of course, chicken nuggets. She loves a good Thrift Store! She finds many treasures of forgotten things. And always wants to find the perfect cardigan. She likes people. She wants to be a people person, but she often isn't sure how to respond. She likes studying people. She would like to have a good friend, but she feels she has never had one. DISLIKES: Bullying. She has been bullied a lot. She broke her nose after falling off the monkey bars when she was six when the mean girls forced her to do a flip. So she has a few trust issues. Although, if she sees someone being bullied she jumps into action. She is small, but mighty. She would love to hear from past classmates, but they have all drifted apart and she dislikes this. She questions herself. Certain it was her fault. She dislikes her body. But she lives with it. She would never change it, or tattoo it. She lives with her old Aunt who frightens Ren when Auntie M is forgetful. She might be a tragic mess, but she doesn't want anyone to know of this. Sure, many wonder why she doesn't have a boyfriend by now. There were many chances back in high school, but they never quite worked out. She was never that person they assumed she was. And it hurts, but she doesn't have anyone to talk to about it. She dislikes her Supervisor at the Bookstore too. She feels her supervisor thinks she is someone who has had all the luck in the world, but that's not so. She is trying her best to find her niche. While her mother has remarried and moved to Sweden, they haven't talked in years. She never met her dad. He's a deadbeat. Just someone her mother met while on a ballet tour. Deep down, she knows she was her mother's worst nightmare. She ruined her mother's doting career. Her mother's body was never the same after Ren was born.

Name: Wade Quintin Parish Birthday: November 28 Age: 23 Career: Part-Time Book Store Employee Personality: Reserved, Hospitable, Honest, Kind-Hearted, Listener, Clean Wade grew up having a decent childhood living in a trailer park with his parents. Not that they were poor or anything they were frugal and all preferring the simple, relaxed life instead of fast-moving and modern. This didn't make Wade mad at his upbringing but he definitely has had his fair share of awkward moments to live through. For example he got his older brother's hand-me-downs all his life. He didn't have much modern technology or video games to play with either so instead he found his passion in being outdoors more often. He has enjoyed biking and skateboarding or being someplace away from the concrete jungle such as a pond or hiking trail. If weather wasn't the nicest he was constantly reading books to pass time. Apparently the library was the only exception of a public place worth visiting for long periods as nobody would bother him there. He even liked to draw out sketches of places he could go or things to build in the wilderness. His imagination ran wild which made school difficult for him. He didn't enjoy the studying aspect of things and had a short attention span for learning because everything he knew he basically taught himself when being alone outside. Also school was a pain as he was typically known as a outcast without name brand clothes and latest phone. But this was beyond what Wade cared for because in turn he became well reserved and humble not following around in trends and such. Now as Wade is grown and beyond his high school years he experiencing adulting in the worst way. His parents told him they don't mind if he lives at home with them but he's got to contribute some earnings. They let him go for few years but want him to act responsibility now. Wade having an unproblematic childhood has now been pressured into a job for the 1st time in his life at the local bookstore. He preferred the library but there were no openings. Well because of this stress he's picked up smoking and even threatened to end everything. Only thing he has left is all up in his head which is leave his safe trailer home and contribute to his parents or survive in the forest and live off of everythings he's basically known.


I found someone to write with and he's Canadian.


  1. Me gustan los dos parecen unos geniales personajes. Te mando un beso.

    1. I like both of them, they look like great characters. I send you a kiss.πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—Thanks!


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