Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ye Sheng Jia

Ye Sheng Jia is 29. He also stars in Fortune Writer.

 Oh, he's got that warrior-brave vibe about him..with or without the long hair. He does remind me of someone I met at the library once [a teen who was very angry with his sister. They squabbled. He sounded like he was going to leave her. He went out to smoke a cigarette and somehow didn't notice she left the library. It was interesting to see the change in him when he came back and couldn't find the middle schooler. Suddenly, he was the best big brother in the world because he knew it would be hell to pay if he didn't find her. They came in again during that summer and were a lot nicer to each other). I live in the heartland, but we have plenty of indigenous, and even China can't account for all their tribes.

In Sword and Fairy, Jia's character is a guard. And it takes him most of the drama to figure out the girl he protects was the little girl who saved him when he was a kid. 

Here's hoping he gets more dramas. He's more than just a Wuxia supporting actor.


  1. Sounds like a great drama. I love these stories where they already knew each other as children, but don't remember.

  2. Cute -Christine

  3. I hope he gets more roles. Fun story :)

    Yes I'm back. Thanks for the kind comments! I've missed you and commentig here also. I'm behind... funny story I did write an erotic piece between Joon and Hillier once but it was too racy for the blog. And ooh I need to see what you have in mind for Maddie. I'll try to get caught up... yes I'm still around

  4. Es un chico guapo. Te mando un beso.


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