Thursday, July 22, 2010

HUSH HUSH- book review

Just how dark do you like your Angels?

Becca Fitzpatrick brings us high school sophomore Nora Grey, a dedicated student striving for a college scholarship. She lives with her widowed mother in a country farmhouse outside Portland, ME. When Patch, her new biology partner, is suddenly thrust into her life, Nora is both attracted to his charm and put off by his inexplicable awareness of her thoughts. Eventually, she learns that he is a fallen angel who wants to become human. She is susceptible to his control, but other forces are at work as well, and Nora finds herself caught in the middle of dangerous situations and unexplainable events.

The premise of the debut novel is that fallen angels exist and interact with humans on Earth. Only it can get complicated.

Will readers buy it? This supernatural nature of things, Angels? Some might feel this is pure formula. Fitzpatrick writes in a very Stephanie Meyer way. There is a love triangle involved. And just how realistic is it?

Would you be convinced that a mother whose husband has recently been murdered would leave her daughter alone overnight in their home far from the nearest neighbor or that a school counselor would be replaced by someone whose credentials were not checked?

Some of us won't care. Some will find Nora very gullible. Would they find Patch so charming? Well, if Angels are involved, what more could you want. It looks like many are sold on Fitzpatrick's premise. I'm sure we can look for more in this series, soon.


  1. Hurrrmmm.. That report does smell of Stephanie Meyer.. :S It sounds like a decent plot, just the little things haven't been worked out yet.. I'd love to be an editor.

  2. A friend read it, but thought it way too Twilight with Angels and didn't like Patch and Nora's chemistry.

  3. I've heard a lot about this book. I dunno, though.

  4. I love the cover, but I'm not sure about the book.


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