Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chord Overstreet

Fans love their Maxxie sooo much.

Don't you just love that name? He's just gotta know music. At the moment, he's the new Sam on GLEE. He's possibly a younger version of Finn, only with blonde hair. And something about his look does make me think of Maxxie from SKINS  (Who I would have loved to have seen on Glee - BTW). So who knows..maybe he could be (Chris Colfer) Kurt's love interest. I know that might be a stretch. But you never know. Oh, I am right. Or so I read on some board..somewhere.. SWEET. Yet, nobody did the gay storyline quite as well as SKINS.

I loved the opening installment (auditions) but somehow the show has a way of starting and stopping and usually not getting very far along. Hopefully, next week's episode will be gang busters since Brittany Spears will guest with many of her songs.

Back to Chord. He's of iCarly fame and is in Private along with scads of other teen shows where he guest starred. Now he's making his home on GLEE. He's from Nashville.


  1. I thought of Maxxie too, last night when I saw Sam. Can't wait for him more on Glee.

  2. Yeah, I thought I could've sworn reading somewhere that he was going to be Kurt's boyfriend, but who knows. His name just sounds unreal, hahaha. But yeah, I liked seeing him on Glee!

  3. He's cute. Such great lips!

  4. I love Maxxie more!

  5. Love this guy!! He'll be a great addition to Glee. His rendition of Billionaire was beyond awesome!!!!!!! The comment about his big mouth made me laugh so much! :P


  6. wow, so many new guys to learn about from you! I feel so lame! lol :)

  7. Something about him makes me think Mac McCulkin ( you know, the home alone guy)

  8. I am looking forward to more from him on Glee.

  9. Omnomnomnom Chord.
    That's all I'll say.

  10. Very cute!

    Just wanted to pop over and say thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and yours is really cute so I've joined your followers xxx


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