Monday, July 16, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

Sam: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Suzy: “I don’t know. I want to go on adventures, I think. Not get stuck in one place.
Moonrise Kingdom (acid reign)

 Honestly, I adored this film. It has to be my new favorite film of Wes Anderson's. Wes was at his best with this nostalgic film. The movie has a vintage texture to it, and takes you back to 1965. Not only that, but it gives you a chance to explore childhood dreams and of course, the romance of adventure.


This is the story of Sam(Jared Gilman) and Suzy(Kara Hayward). Both are perhaps misfits. Nobody likes Sam at the Khakis Scout camp nor at the foster family he stays with, either. Suzy has found a pamphlet on the troubled child at home and thinks its about her. Of course, the two had met by chance the year before at a play and became penpals.

The film definitely has a wonderful cast of characters. Some of those are Wes Anderson favorites like Billy Murray and Jason Schwartzman. Still some splendid performances by Ed Norton and Bruce Willis. Add Francis McDormand to the mix and well it truly an adventure. I love the young cast as well. It was really a film that took you back to a more innocent time. Yet the unpredictable factor played its part in the story as well.

“Dear Suzy, walk four hundred yards due north from your house to the dirt path which has not got any name on it. Turn right and follow to the end. I will meet you in the meadow.”

Here’s the thing, though: Although people may try, nobody can be Wes Anderson but Wes Anderson. So it’s a good thing we have him, as filmmakers with such singular voices and distinctive visual styles are extremely hard to come by. Similarly, movies such as his latest, the wonderfully inventive and entirely immersing “Moonrise Kingdom,” are — sadly — every bit as rare.
Mike Scott

The soundtrack is awesome too!

This is one of my favorite treats this summer. Truly escaping for a bit with Wes Anderson and his wonderful quirky story-telling.



  1. This film truly looks so magical; I cannot wait to see it! :)

  2. OMG! I am going to see this on Thursday-hopefully-and you just got me so pumped to see it!!

  3. wow amazing review! I want to see the movie soon!
    wish you lovely week:)

    xx chris

  4. i've heard so much about this, i really want to see it!

  5. I still have to see this! My sister went and said it was amazing! Ive seen clips but have yet to see the whole thing


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