Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Favorite TV couple this season

I like you! You use words like ‘perseverating’ and ‘truncated’, which is a really cool word for ‘short’. And I never knew that until I met you. And I have so many things to say to you, but-hah- I’ll try to keep it truncated. I think it’s cool that you think I can be smart, and that you listen to violin music, and you watch movies with the typing at the bottom.
Axl Heck [from the show The Middle]


Maybe its because THE MIDDLE did such a real Thanksgiving episode. Or it could be that Axel finally found some one wonderful. Hist tutor played by Galadriel Stineman. Many thought "Cassidy" was Taylor Swift gone ginger.

I love the dialogues between them. Charlie McDormett as Axel is showing he's one of TV's favorites this season in comedy.

poetry&horseplay gifs



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