Friday, December 28, 2012

This is 40

Its the sort of sequel to Knocked Up. Or at least that is being said, since we met these characters in Knocked Up. Suspiciously, based on Apataw's own life. Lets just call it creative nonfiction to base a comedy drama on. Or is that drama comedy?

Leslie Mann is my hero!-Chelsea

Surprisingly enough there were almost as many sad moment as there were laughable, and I think that was what I liked about the movie.-CS

 “Marriage is like that show, “Everybody Loves Raymond”, but it’s not funny. All the problems are the same, but you know, instead of all the funny, pithy dialog, everybody’s just really pissed off and tense. Marriage is like an unfunny, tense, version of “Everybody Loves Raymond”, but it doesn’t last 22 minutes. It lasts forever.
Pete, Knocked Up (2007)

it was a good story, but frankly, all the funny bits were in the previews.
well, to be completely honest, the funniest part was during the credits.
instead of inspiring me or empowering me (like a good movie should), i kinda felt like shit as i left the theater.-thecharmedcurve

when the youngest daughter was laying next to her mom in This is 40 and the mom says “How many kids do you think you will have when you’re grown up?” and she says “One. If I have one then I won’t have to see one fight with the other one.” That broke my heart. She was soooo sweet in that movie. I guess I related to it, remembering me as a kid watching everyone fight and now almost everyone has gone their own way.-littleshabby

 Have you ever seen Knocked Up? I don’t know why, but I found that I related to Paul Rudd’s minor role as Pete more than I have ever related to another character in another film before. I love that Judd Apatow gave me an opportunity to become reacquainted with Pete in this spin-off. Paul Rudd is my favourite actor, and he, Leslie Mann, Megan Fox, and the rest of the cast and crew worked well to put together a finely crafted product.-erik



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