Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Nate & Margaret

Its a sweet indie Chicago film. Perhaps quirkier than I've seen in some time. It stars the wonderful Tyler Ross who plays film student Nate. And its his easy going friendship with Margaret (Natalie West) that makes this movie quite original.

to tell the truth the actor Tyler Ross is the reason I watched this movie. As a matter of fact he looks a lot like the ex porn star now doing regular movies Sean Paul Lockhart (Brent Corrigan)specially in " Judas kiss" which is too a low budget, 1st movie. Fact is women's note for this movie is 8.5 whereas males give it a 4.5 . Likely reason : the real cute Tyler. His character is the perfect boyfriend, kind, clever, stable guy.-the pink rabbit

James thinks Nate brought his Mom to the party. Actually, they are just neighbors who look out for each other and have such an understanding friendship. Yet, its never had to withstand any extras.

The relationship starts to unravel once Nate meets James played by Conor McCahill, who in the long run just wants to show Nate off to his ex. Also being Nate's first boyfriend is a plus to James too.

Conor McChill was perfect for the part. Edgy and always out for a thrill. Seriously, he reminded me a cross between Adrien Brody and Ezra Miller. This is his first major film. He's a wonderful charactor actor who I hope we see more of.
Margaret has her issues. She's never had a successful relationship. Her childhood was not easy and these are the things that keep coming up in her standup act. And then going places with Nate, like the local Goodwill.
Of course, Gabby Hoffman as Darla the bad influence who has a party for everything possible, helps move the story along. After all, she's the one who helps James hook up with Nate.
It’s such a great film because it is so relatable - regardless of who is in your circle of friends. It also highlights the bonds of friendship - and makes a point of saying that it doesn’t matter who your friends are or what you have in common with them - we all have similar experiences. Most friendships survive the ups-and-downs, though not all. Definitely check this one out - and find out for yourself whether Nate and Margaret’s friendship can make it through the changes in both their lives.-Honest

You might remember Natalie West best as Crystal Anderson on Roseanne.


  1. Oh, I so want to see this movie. It makes me think a bit of Napoleon Dynamite. :)

  2. Oh this looks great! I really want to see this!

  3. i'd love to see it since its based in chicago!

  4. I love Tyler..and he's so different from Brent.

    Love the new header!

  5. nice!


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