I've been benging on this BBC family comedy drama. I so love Derek Jacobi and Anne Reid and Alan and Celia who finally find each other again. Thanks to their grandsons' help through FACEBOOK.
It seems they were both the ONE, even if they did marry other people and had families. Of course, one might wonder what their significant others would think if they knew they wanted to get married. And this romance is rekindled even in their 70's.
Naturally, this mild stone is at first shrugged off by their daughters who can't stand each other on their first sight of each other.
Still...all those stories of their lives that make them tick come to light. All is not happy in their little world in the vast country side.
True, its a pleasant surprise. And the writing if ..well, brilliant as all these characters intertwine and gives you so much to think about..even in your own family.
I love this show!
I seriously need to check out some BBC shows!
Looks like a great time!
Inside and Outside Blog
P.S. surely I'd love to follow each other! following you now!