Monday, June 7, 2021


Just heard that your Dad isn't coming home for New Years' after all, you've been fired from your job and your artsy boyfriend just broke up with you because he fell in love with someone. Let's bring in some virtual reality. Oh, put on a pair of glasses, a boyband idol shows up and grants you 3 wishes. Oh..but that's not enough...

 A series of romantic encounters between two heroines and four "virtual" idols. It's a call to return to reality, cherish life and reap a beautiful love.

Lu Xiao is warm as spring in the virtual world but sensitive and lonely in real life. Jiang Kele may lead a difficult life, but she still dreams of meeting the perfect prince.

I was so happy to find this one on YOUTUBE. And it stars quite a few of my Chinese actors. It's cute, but there are lots of twists. It's not completely virtual.


  1. This movie sounds so fun! This part really paints a picture: "Lu Xiao is warm as spring in the virtual world but sensitive and lonely in real life. Jiang Kele may lead a difficult life, but she still dreams of meeting the perfect prince." Sounds like a recipe for romance to me.

  2. Parece genial gracias por recomendar este dorama . Te mando un beso y le echare un vistazo.


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