Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Simon & Declan


How's your summer going?

DECLAN: Amazing of course, (his smile is broad and proud as he puts his arm around Simon) I'm spending plenty of weekends with my man, and you know, we have our own private party (he smirks) Sure, I wish we were traveling, but lots of stuff to catch up on work. Still so many uncertainties with COVID, you know. Also, I'm getting Simon prepped for life in radio. Hopefully, he'll find it fun and exciting! (he smiles very openly as he almost winks at Simon). SIMON: Oh, it's been a summer I'll never forget. (He grins even if he hesitates a little.) Things are great with Declan. (His smile can't go too far). Maybe..maybe I'm just a little nervous. You know, working at the same place that Declan does, but..I know it'll be a new chapter. (he nods) I know I need this. And..and I'm glad Declan is here to help me.


  1. Successful summer - an important thing. Charges the batteries for the whole year.

  2. Me gusta Simon es un genial personaje. Te mando un beso

  3. Nothing better than a summer full of possibilities.

  4. Oh, Declan! He's always smirking. No wonder Simon's own smile can't go too far. I hope that good things are in store for him, and by good things I mean someone kinder than Declan. On the COVID front, yes, things are getting scary again. I'm incredibly fortunate to still be working from home. That's awful about the air quality from the wild fires; I hope that things improve in your neck of the woods.


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