Thursday, December 23, 2021

23. Go see that long lost friend who's in town.

 This might not be the year to do this. Besides, they might not leave to even come home for Christmas. A  Co-worker was telling me how her sister-in-law had to get tested before she could fly out of New York City. Luckily, she is coming to visit.

So many things we used to take for granted, we really have to rethink it. Even so, I'm sure you'd want to dress up for Facetime❤

What would you wear Christmas Count Down!


  1. Yes you'd want to look good on Facetime for sure!

  2. Es una genial forma de pasar la navidad. Te mando un abrazo y te deseo una feliz navidad a ti y a tu familia.

  3. It's so true that catching up with friends looks a lot different this Christmas. I agree with Ananka about making the most of your Facetime look, though. That cozy cardi is certainly a contender!

  4. Red outfits are so popular here! What about there?


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