Saturday, April 23, 2022

A Face in the Crowd

 From the get-go, Jonah didn't like Hanna. How in the world did they end up on the same debate team. After all, what did she have to offer? Yes,  he was looking for a winner but she didn't have the stamina.

Although, he liked her room and read all her short stories in the bottom of her undies drawer. "If only you could be a little angry," he told her.

"If you could be a little bit more compassionate," she shrugged back. 

Jonah had to face it early on that there was nothing going to change Hanna's world. She was in  Kawaii land. 

"But..but couldn't you wear black?" At least on debate day? She just wasn't going to compromise in the least little bit. It was as if she would show him.

Yes, she did her homework. Memorized facts, even acted like she might know what she was talking about. Seriously, he didn't want to think how it might all end.

Of course, she's still winning. She's a much better debater than he'd ever been. No one seems to notice her sweet little outfits. After all, she's a powerhouse even Jonah couldn't stop.


  1. Sometimes such disagreements are the beginning of something good :)

  2. Oh, I love this! It's so inspiring that Hanna stays true to herself, kawaii outfits and all, and ends up kicking Jonah's ass. Thanks for creating a character that shows you can beat a guy at his own game. :)


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