Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Flower Crew


THE DREAM TEAM: Gong Seun Yeon & Kim Min Jae have been paying their dues to the K-drama world for such a long time, and they just get better and better. I'm not saying they were the "ROMANCE" one might think in a K-drma, yet even better! Each moment is an adventure! Truly, they are captivating from eye contact to the bits of how they confessed they were not in love with each other when you knew it was different. Yes, this period piece was quite a nice surprise of 2019. Move over flower boys, Match Makers take all!


  1. Very interesting photo, they look diifferent. I wish i read their body language from the photo! By the way I loved music tune.

  2. Gracias por la reseña, me lo llevo anotado. Te mando un beso.

  3. It's always nice when your go-to actors just keep getting better and better! I like how you wove the flower boy theme in the last line and title. :)


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