Monday, May 16, 2022

Who knew!


Making the ordinary horrific!  Cozy couple Asher Yasbincek & Alex Fitzalen, just to name a few in this extraordinary cast in this survival mode show in its second season on Amazon Prime. THE WILDS.

"You think you know what you've got buried down there... under the surface, but you don't always."

-Dot Campbell

A group of teens must survive after a plane crash leaves them stranded on a deserted island. The girls tell their stories to investigators who slowly piece together what happened to them with Rachel Griffiths at the helm. It's captivating and binge-worthy!

"He never felt like a stranger, even when I didn't know him."-Nora Reid

Get to know their stories. It might be the summer you've been needing for this crazy getaway of a show.


  1. Omg!
    It sounds very interesting
    I want read it!!! ♥

  2. I've been seeing this show pop up when scrolling through Prime but didn't know what it was about. Thanks for filling me in! Sounds like another one to add to the watch list. :)


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