Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Alfie and Zoey


 So is it the summer you expected?

ALFIE: No not really, but then I wasn't expecting much. I mean, I feel I hardly anything to think at work. (he grins) It's been great having family. Although, I know we can't do this all the time. Going to the lake every Friday night (He looks to Zoey) exhausting.

ZOEY: Pretty much (she nods in agreement with a smile) I think we're really homebodies after all. I mean, I don't think I could do all that entertaining, all the time. I would never have time to keep the house up, even if it is just a one-bedroom apartment. (she shrugs heavily) I like relaxing at home. 

ALFIE: We kind of benge on HOARDERS on Netflix. (He cracks up) 

ZOEY: Well, it keeps us from wanting to be like that, that's all. I don't know. (They are on the couch in their apartment) Maybe we need a bigger apartment. (Alfie rolls  his eyes at that)

ALFIE: (He puts his arm around her and smiles) I think Dad would rather be alone with Janine. (He nods) We'll just do this through July and leave them alone.

ZOEY: Hopefully, she won't bring up the baby thing again. (She gives him a wild look) Maybe Oakley and Finn will give her enough to (she winces with a laugh) coax them perhaps.

ALFIE: She (He looks at Zoey)..she hasn't mentioned it anymore, has she?

ZOEY: Maybe she thinks I'm fat. (Zoey is even lipped as if that's what all this talk is about)

ALFIE: No you're not (He squeezed her shoulder as they get closer). See, it's just hard getting used to so much family. If I were them, I would be worrying about Boone and Lily. Not us.


  1. I like these little one on ones wherre you learn more. :) I love the easygoing back and forth between them. And the baby thing- right?? And Boone and Lily ha

    I hope the humidity eases there. We're pretty mild here actually. Weird for July but I'm not complaining! What's the hatchery? Ooh little things on the way???

  2. Me gusta Alfie. Te mando un beso.

  3. Me gusta Alfie. Te mando un beso.

  4. Alfie and Zoey are so cute! And homebodies to boot -- who would've thunk it? It's also interesting that those worries about Boone and Lily come up here too . . . πŸ’–πŸ“ΊπŸΏ


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