Monday, August 21, 2023

Wei Da Xun


Impressive in glasses!

He played the stoic older brother in Fireworks of My Heart. Honestly, he deserves his own drama with this character. Stunted, from social growth with a mother who wanted to keep his status just as a rich kid by dictating who he should marry. Naturally, his character would have none of it. Yet, it was impossible for him to really date who he wanted to date, a girl with a lot of college debt who was just a waitress he'd met at a bar.

In reality, Xun is a hilarious guy and a fantastic Chinese singer too. He is definitely one I'll watch for in Chinese dramas!


  1. Nice. Looks like an up and comer to watch out for. Hope you are having a nice Monday.

    Thank you for your comments. The Mound is fascinating to me and will play a HUGE role in tomorrow's episode. Inspired by a Moebius image.

  2. Hilarious actors are the best actors. And I agree that Xun is impressive in glasses! 🤣👓


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