Saturday, October 7, 2023

Huck & Rachel


Rachel assured Huck that she could drive. "Maybe when we get closer, OK?"

Actually, he was having fun driving cross country. He really wasn't worried. At least not yet. They made it through the desert. Even through Vegas without gambling. Oh, he was tired of these places. Yes, he couldn't wait to see Colorado.

"Oh, but we should just cut through New Mexico," Rachel thought they'd make a much better time and not get lost in the mountains.

Yes, she was a good navigator. And they didn't always stay in a motel. Especially, when they found out they were staying with a bunch of seniors who could only afford those kinds of apartments. Sure, it made him kind of sad to see. And he knew Rachel felt awkward, but there were plenty who wanted to see their grandchildren and they fed them well, even if it was fried bologna sandwiches.

They'd moved things around in the vehicle so they could sleep in the back of the car for a couple of nights.

"Really, we should take our time," Rachel was still mute on the subject of her family.

But Noah came through. And he could tell even on the phone that she was happy to hear from him. 

"Oh, I can't stand him." She told Huck a few minutes later, after getting gas and trucker's coffee.

"You don't mean that," He looked at her. 

"Oh, but he's a momma's boy," Rachel fretted.

"Is that so," He wanted to look at her, but he knew he had to keep his eyes on the road.

"I practically raised him anyway," she let slip. Huck nodded. "I just thought he'd be more understanding. You know, why I'd want to leave." She was straight-lipped, almost in tears. "How could he take Mom's side, after all we've been through?"

"Well, he sounds like he missed you," Huck told her.

Rachel nodded as she nursed her cream coffee. 

"We'll just see how it goes," Huck said. "I'm with you now. I won't let them bully you. I promise."

Rachel sucked in a breath. He looked up and noticed they were at the Texas border. 

"Why don't we try to do some things, here." He then smiled. It was almost dark.

"I dunno," Rachel sighed as if they better keep thinking ahead. "It's a pretty big state." There were a lot of miles to go before they even reached Dallas.

"But we've got to stop there," he smiled. She shook her head no. There would be a headache of traffic. She told him they needed to head toward Lawton, Oklahoma.

"Well, we gotta have Texas barbecue?" He was serious. He couldn't live on coffee and gas station corn dogs the entire way. His stomach grumbled.

Rachel gritted a smile. It was then he knew she was more homesick than she was letting on. She really did want to see her brother Noah.


  1. Me ha encantado! Buen fin de semana.

  2. I loved it! Good weekend.💕🍁🎃Thank you so much!

  3. Rachel's nervous about getting home, and understandably so, sounds like. But she wants to get there too, judging from the ending. They're going to have such an adventure!

    I'm glad you're continuing your story.

    Hope the pudding turned out. And that you're having a nice weekend. It's gotten colder here as well so the butterfly might be gone. I haven't had any seasonal drinks yet!!!!!

    1. I could use a margarita. Nice that you guys had a good lunch. It is expensive now. We spent a ton just going to cracker barrel yesterday...

      Sounds like you have quite a bit of wildlife! We've had raccoons peek through the back window.

    2. The Raccoons get on our roof which sounds like we have monkeys up there at night. Yes, we have strange things that wake us up.

    3. That would not be good! We've had them but never on the roof. Squirrels though get up there and my cats see them through the skylight...

  4. Genial fragmento. Pobre Rachel ojala vea a su hermano.Te mando un beso.

  5. What will happen next? Why is Rachel nervous?

  6. Lots of mixed feelings for Rachel. Road trips always bring emotions to the surface, and the stuff about Rachel's family just makes it messier. But I love that Huck is by her side and won't let anyone bully her. It'll be interesting to see what happens when they see Noah. 🤎🧡💛🌵


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