Friday, December 22, 2023

All the little wonders


There might a lot of beer and ale there, but I can only imagine a wonderful warm Shepherd's Pie too! But don't get me started on Bangers & Beans...I did miss the City lunch. I was having some tummy troubles. Still, I managed to work, but I just wanted to avoid the crowd. Hope you are all ready  for some times with friends and family.

Possibly the most unique individual I have met this year online is J (He would have to be a J) He said he put on his first pair of high heels when he was in middle school and has had to buy those kind of shoes ever since. He told me it was very empowering. Unfortunately, he is quite needy too. I think our friends zone might have lasted 3 days on a fashion site I visit quite often to make my collages. Initially, he needed help making a set. Naturally, he's been on the site a lot longer than I had. Unfortunately, I don't know if he will ever get the hang of it. I kept telling him..just make more sets and find out what works for you. Fortunately, we do not talk to each other anymore, since it really honed in on my creativity time. Hopefully, he's grown this year, too.

Someone I am most proud of is Y (This is just an AI version) who is moving forward being a trans woman. I met him back when A was a youth at the library. Back when A wanted mystery DVDs to watch. We had plenty of fun conversations about the TV mystery shows back then. Of course, it did take a while for A to find her identity to be Y. Recently, I talked to Y's mom while shopping and she still refers to (him) as being A. Y has now graduated from high school and for a time was on the catwalk at our library dressed to the nines, highest of heels and all sorts of great wigs (even I was inspired and bought a few cheap wigs of my own too) Still, I could see how hard it was to see how all alone Y felt. True, some boyfriends came and went. It was a time, for a lot of soul-searching and finding the support that Y needed. Y's father back in New York was no help. And many times Y did try to move out. Meanwhile, Y was working the fast food road. And I think this is the most important, finding how you can support yourself. And then I wondered if Y was back to being A with a shaved head. I would see A at the local place we go for burgers, working. Usually, just getting orders out. I saw this person less and less at the library. Then recently, I found out Y is working full-time there, and the hair is natural. It was like Y found her voice, and I can only wish Y a great new year ahead. Maybe someday Y will be a model. I hope so.


  1. It's getting closer!

    Love that image. Very festive. Looks like some of the taverns I've been frequenting in Middle earth :)

    All my best wishes to Y going forward. It's so hard when parents aren't supportive. They must feel all alone as they go through it.

    1. Yikes to the parking lot! Both of those things sound wonderful. Taco bar ymmm. We have a family party tomorrow that we debated whether to go- 2 hours there and then back. But I'll be done after that. A long weekend of food, relaxing and Lord of the Rings Online lol.

      Happy Christmas!!!!!!

    2. Hope you guys have safe travels. Very foggy here. Very irry, but might be our only chance at moisture at the moment. All the best to lots of fun this weekend!

  2. Espero que estés mejor . Te mando un beso.

  3. Thank you for sharing these stories about your friends' journeys. I wish them all the best! 💖💖💖💖💖


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