Saturday, December 23, 2023

Here there be the holidays

 Nothing snow-covered here. More like a fog this morning. Although, colder weather is moving in. Also slim-pickings at ROSS. Who would have thought that? Thankfully, I did manage to find a hoodie. Then I ended up having to go the wrong way out of a parking lot thanks to someone wanting my parking spot. These days parking lots are so tight and people have bigger cars. A lot like seeing bigger dogs in the neighborhood too.

Speaking of which, the German Shepherd next door is growing up. I saw him out tearing up something in the backyard. I dunno if they sent something out for him to tear up or what, but he was doing a very good job. I was putting what was left of a bag of salad in the compost and he came across the yard charging with a bark and well, I dropped the whole thing in the compost accidentally. A reminder, eat more salad before the whole bag goes bad.

Although, most of this week I haven't felt up to eating salad with this tooth. Yes, last day to take the antibiotic.

Not quite my Sammie and Gabe from Caitlin and Megan, but I really liked the artwork and found it inspiring. Not gonna lie, I feel I am lagging behind in writing. Especially, back in October, I was practically wrapping up what I wanted to happen in November on my story blogs...and then I fell behind. But it keeps me looking forward to what's next. Especially, since Sammie and Gabe have new a new neighbor which might be the answer to keep their annoying friend at bay. Yet sometimes, this might mean friendships don't always get better with age. Yes, so many variables we face each day to thicken the plot.

Here's to good food, wonderful conversations and maybe you might even get something you want for Christmas. Make some memories! Good ones I hope!

We come from a family of great alcoholic tasters, I'm afraid. We like to say it's the French in us, but I have feeling we are more German by the way we consume beer. I think back to someone's favorite line at our house, "My children need wine."

So I guess we are at fault. But usually, it isn't the only reason we get together. There was a time when we couldn't wait to bring out the spiced egg nog. Oh..and chocolate wine! Homemade Coffee Liquor because it was just as good as Kaluha but much cheaper! Yes, when someone turned 21, White Russians were the drink to start the night. You would think with so much alcohol over the years something bad would have happened. And it almost did a few years back.

Someone wanted to beat up his brother which was something nobody saw coming. These two I can't say were close to begin with, but they were never enemies. Of course, the younger one wasn't sure what the older one was trying to do. It looked more like a shuffle than a brawl on the livingroom floor.

That was the year someone smoked a turkey all day and forgot to eat. He drank beer and then when he got to our place, he consumed a lot of other alcohol. It was like we'd let a bear in. Since then, no alcohol at any of our gatherings. Yes, we are trying to give the best gift of all, better health. I guess that's why I need to prepare the veggie tray and make more Greek yogurt dip.  Maybe make a strawberry and blueberry salad to round out the table of brunch foods.


  1. Good Christmas thoughts and reminiscences. -Christine

  2. I hope you have a great Christmas time, I hope you have a nice days and end to the year, and that 2024 will be an incredible year for you! ♥

  3. Siempre es genial pasarla con amigos. Te mando un beso y te deseo una feliz navidad para ti y tu familia

  4. Merry Christmas and all the best :-D

  5. Beautiful images again. That first one is so cozy and the last one- YES. Could be a tavern from Middle- earth, or a pirates den har.

    It was foggy last night coming back from our party. And I hope you are feeling better.

    I hear you on writing. I have a few chapters of Joon in the bag but haven't been writing much. I wrote every day for a month back in summer but lately it's been whenever I get to it.

    Your food sounds delightful. Yesterday we had meatballs, lasagna, tons o snacks... it was food heaven

    1. Dune :) I love listening t othat particular one- I was listening to it while typing out today's story. It fit :)

      I hope Christmas is going well! And that you're done cooking and can enjoy. No Christmas tree is just less work lol

  6. Strange dogs can surely cause trouble. We have a couple around here. And I could definitely relate to wanting and needing to eat more salad before it goes bad! I'm always telling the husband that keeping up with produce is hard. Speaking of which, a blueberry and strawberry salad for Christmas brunch sounds wonderfully refreshing. 💙🍓💙🍓💙🍓


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