Sunday, January 28, 2024

Profile: The Boyfriend


Name: Smed Bentley

Age: 28

Nationality: Originally from Idaho but lives in Omaha.

How we met? At a used a bookstore. He looked as if he was on his way to somewhere, or maybe he just got back. He said he used to like to explore caves. He gave me the professional name for it, but I could never pronounce it, and he didn't  laugh at me when I mispronounced it. He said he liked old things, you know...old records, old books, even old maps. 

Neither of us knew when to show up and then we found we were following each other around the shop and well, the rest is history.

About Smed: Smed is a scholar, and he likes the outdoors. He told me hunting stories when he was a kid. I swear, he must have lived off the land as much as he knows. He wasn't a vegetarian until his roommate made a bet with him and he won a hundred bucks, but soon after when he walked off his job as the guy who set up chairs and tables at the Convention Hall, he went straight to MacDonalds for a Big Mac. He says he's on his way back to being a vegetarian, but occasionally we find ourselves on a late night run to MacDonalds. 

I'm not sure Smed's found his dream job yet. Meanwhile, he keeps track of nuts and bolts at the Big Builder's Wearhouse out on the interstate. 

What I like about Smed: I can't say I know anything really, except he's kind to strangers, he give a little more to those playing music on the street, he likes kids, and he loves to talk about Albert Camus. Oh, and that smell. I just know he's from the outdoors and his hugs are warm and he might just dance with me  on the livingroom floor for no reason at all. Yes, his laugh makes me happy. Although, he's a serious man especially when it comes to building things or fixing them


  1. I can relate to the vegetarian thing. After some heart trouble my doctor told me to go vegan, but... I struggle. Nice profile.

  2. Es un chico guapo e interesante. Te mando un beso.

  3. Smed sounds like a special guy! Although I'm not outdoorsy myself, I always like that in a man (good news for the husband!). It's so wholesome, salt of the earth. I also like that Smed gives a little extra to buskers and that he likes kids. πŸŒ²πŸŽΊπŸ’—

    It was fun to hear about your Barbie projects. A Dreamatopia mermaid with rainbow and blonde hair sounds awesome! I actually have one Barbie, and it's a Fairytopia, still in the box in my craft room. The yarn dreds for your African American Barbie sound cool, too. You're always so inventive! πŸ§ΆπŸ’›πŸŒˆπŸŽ¨


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