Sunday, February 11, 2024

We thought we could make it 'til Valentines day

 At the time, I didn't know what a cad he could be, but put me in pretty clothes and well, I guess it must have done him in.

Sure, we had some fun. Went to the bar. He managed to get me a dirty water drink. He talked about his music and why he had so much black in his wardrobe.

Really, I felt out of place, but I felt all the more giddy not being myself. At least for an hour or two. 

He'd been named after some character on Rawhide. Imagine that.

"So Rowdy are you really rowdy?" I couldn't help but ask. He'd never even seen that show. It was only a shrug and then I smiled. Yeah, maybe I had him after all and didn't even know it.

We went back to his place. His roommates were in Austin doing something within the city limits. I doubt now that it was really a concert.

"Why would they go without you?" Yeah, I sounded like his biggest fan. I wasn't really intoxicated. And all along I wanted to know where it might go. You know, kind of like a rollercoaster ride.

It wasn't long until we found our music and then the moves felt like the sea on a stormy night.

"But wait," He pulled away as if there was something I had to know about him. About half an hour later we were still there on the couch. He was still thinking of Candy. 

It was kind of a sweet story. His first and real girlfriend. It was totally her fault, he said about the breakup. "Why would she do that to me?"

"Well, you aren't there," I yawned but he was in his own world and he bit his thumbnail. She had moved on. Evidently, he hadn't.

"I think I should get going," I wanted to jump up, but maybe I'd just sit here a bit longer. He came back with a kiss that pushed me deep on the couch. Almost made my neck hurt. It was as if it were a dare or he was just lonely. 

Yes, we found the bedroom. When I awoke, I have to say I can't imagine sleeping there. It was truly a mess. But I didn't think I was a part of it. He just didn't like being alone. If only I could tell his ex how loyal our Rowdy is, but I didn't.


  1. Ohhh nice chapter! Thanks for sharing, you know I love all your stories
    Have an incredible February!
    Hugs ♥

  2. Happy Lunar New Year!!!

    This is fun. I think we can all relate to nights like this. And heatache lingers sometimes...

  3. The Happy Buda sounds nice. I want Chinese. I always do though. The sUper bowl is on but I'm blogging. I'll watcha little in the background but that's it. Oh, and the coloe guard event went well!

  4. Lots of twists and turns in this one! Apparently, Rowdy isn't as reckless -- or as heartless -- as his name would imply. Maybe our heroine can be his next Candy. 🍬❓💖


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