Monday, April 8, 2024

Poet Rebel


e.e cummings was always a favorite for me to read, because he didn't worry all that much about grammar. And I loved his work for poetry interpretation, as well. I must have read this poem aloud on several occasions. I have to wonder if I could do poetry interpretation again. As it was, I was good at disqualifying making up the last stanza all on my own.

Evidently, it runs in the family. My youngest was in high school forensics. He so loved it. Naturally, he was great at quoting the Big Lebowski. However, he did a great piece he'd written on the word FUCK [see you weren't supposed to use bad language in these monologues]. Although, the judges did tell him he could have gotten first place. 

When he was little he loved to say bad words all the time. But it wasn't from me. He would hear his dad fixing something and all the words he used. And there was that time my husband sang the "Horney" song after he made that jack-o-lantern and danced around with two pumpkin triangles on his head. Naturally, the kids joined in. Later, we had to tell the youngest if he was going to sing that song he'd have to use the word 'corny'.

"But mom! I don't want corn growing out of my head," he told me. "I want horns!"

OK, so maybe not the poetic post you thought you might get. Still, not all poetry has a rhyme or a reason.

Don't forget about the eclipse today....hopefully, you can see it better than I will.


  1. I don't think the eclipse will be able to be seen here :(

  2. This made me laugh. :) Hope you had a good one. the eclipse was neat.

    1. Good, I'm glad someone got a laugh. Yes, we had a sunny day for the eclipse. It was nice out and we watched for a while.

  3. Lindo homenaje. Te mando un beso.


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