Saturday, April 27, 2024

Weekend notes


April is ending on a fierce note here! 63 sightings of tornadoes in our area yesterday. There was one sighted on 370 which isn't far from where I live. Another touched down at the Airport. Naturally, they all went east to Iowa and multiplied. A good many were just in the fields, but some farms were hit. These tornadoes multiplied once they'd hit the ground they became wide in many places. Definitely, a freak of nature you just don't want to stand in the way of.

Kids were on lockdown at schools and didn't get to go home until almost six in the evening. People at the library had to take cover in the restrooms. This can be an awkward experience. Especially, when you have those who can't decide which bathroom to go to. In the past, we have had some older people in the neighborhood come because they don't want to be home alone. 

I work this weekend at the library. We have a chance of thunderstorms again. Hopefully, after we close.

I have had some blog problems this week too. First, I was forbidden on some blogs (thankfully, that is better now) Then I couldn't publish a comment on some blogs too. I was warned you are commenting too much, try back tomorrow. 


  1. Uau, really scary stuff going on there


  2. Prayers on these tornados -Christine

  3. Keeping you in my prayers! Hopefully the tornadoes don't touch down!


  4. Nossa, que perigo! Tomara que os tornados passem bem longe daí, por lugares desabitados! Beijos! Bom fim de semana! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  5. Cuídate mucho. Y a mi también me pasa lo de los comentarios. Solo debes esperar un rato y te deja comentar de nuevo. Te mando un beso.

  6. Oh god! This sounds bad, care yourself and I hope better days came soon
    Have a nice day ♥

  7. Oh Ellie, those tornadoes sound terrifying! I'm glad they diverted their course from you -- although I agree that sheltering in place in the library must have its challenges!

    That's also awful and super annoying that you were banned from commenting on some blogs -- including mine! I had a similar experience on Instagram recently, also from liking and commenting too much. Isn't that what social media is for?!

    Anyway, I'm glad that all's well with you again! Happy commenting and tornado-free living! 😁💖🌸🍒


Hi, I love hearing from people.