Saturday, July 20, 2024

Wade & Ren

 "What the hell have you done?"  Wade could practically spit venom at Ren. He finally gets a chance to have a word with her after the check-in at the doctor's office. He has his eyes set on her every move. She's a liar. And a good liar at that. Her fabrication of him being her brother does not set well with him, but it does the trick,

He thinks of the drive over. Ren and Roni. How perfect. Chatting away about old times and the idea of getting together for some art exhibit. Wade couldn't say a thing then but he wants to know now even if Roni is nearby looking at his precious Anime. What is he? 

Their laborious talk of should Roni have boobs have stunned Wade on the ride here. He isn't sure what he's supposed to think of this person that Ren evidently knows so well.  He winces at the thought that he knows all of this information about Roni. Unbelievable, he cringes as if it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

"Why him?" Wade whispers. Oh, he would say more, but damn the ankle hurts. But he doesn't want to be here. He doesn't want to have anything to do with Ren's friend. Naturally, Ren tells him to be quiet.

"It'll be fine," she's more worried about a co-pay.

"I wish you'd just leave me out of this," he snaps at her as if he might be a pitbull yet. This is insane. "Who are you? What have you done with that wallflower I met at the bookstore?"

"I don't know what you mean?" She looks hurt that he would say this much, but before the conversation can continue, he is called to the exam room. Ren helps him as if he can lean on her, no matter what.

Wade sighs wondering what else is she going to say? 

And then the nurse recognizes him. "Hey you, been up to no good have you?" She cracks up with laughter. She's the bubbly sort if he isn't careful she could have her way with him.

Wade sits in silence on the exam table while the nurse takes his blood pressure and temp. The heavy-set nurse starts to tell Ren about what a kid he was growing up. "Oh, he's a wild one. He's had to be stitched up plenty, over the years." Nurse Beth has watched him grow up. "He won't get the COVID vaccine, either." She looks at him suspiciously as if she might give him a COVID test for the heck of it.

It makes Wade grimace. He looks at Ren as if she better stay quiet, but she doesn't.

"We..we just found out recently, we're siblings," she clears her throat. "His parents don't know."

"I'm adopted," Wade plays along. It's the best he could do. Of course, one little lie is exhausting. He knows now he'll never be a good actor. He can only play himself.

"Twins separated at birth, " the nurse grins.

"Something like that," Ren grins as she looks Wade in the eye. Of course, he does not like this game at all. He'd kick her if he could, but the old doctor shows up and he knows exactly what he needs. A steroid shot.

Wade gulps. He can't watch but Ren watches. The large needle is ready to numb him, but first the numbing spray. Wade's teeth nash and he clings on to Ren for support. Five minutes later they are out of there.

"Please don't make me go anywhere with..with Roni," Wade is still in shock that it has come down to this. Will he be a cripple for life? "I just can't do it." He frets with a limp. They have given him some samples for the pain so they don't have to stop at the drugstore.

"But, but he can get you home," Ren assures him.

Wade shakes his head, no. "I want to go to your place," he tells her on the slow dance to the car. Meanwhile, sweet Roni has burgers, drinks and fries waiting for them.

Wade only sighs. If he wasn't so hungry he would not take this handout. Why does Roni have to be so goddamn nice, Wade grumbles under his breath. Of course, Ren promises  Roni that she'll pay him back. She tells Roni that he can drop them off at the bookstore.


  1. And the saga of these two continues

  2. These two play off of each other so well!


  3. Ojala Ran pague lo que debe. Te mando un beso.

  4. Ohhhh I love it!!
    Thanks for sharing
    have an amazing week ♥

  5. The wallflower comment cracked me up!

    "Can only play himself" Nice line.

    Back to the bookstore! I like seeing where these two go...


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