Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Oh, those places we used to like


This is the feeling I had after going to Subway today in our nearby WalMart. Oh, it looked so rundown. Such a sad place to be. And they don't have ice cream anymore..the two guys behind the counter looked like cousins of Dumb and Dumber. The phone kept ringing. Someone from UberEats kept asking for Destiny's food. 

"Destiny never ordered anything from here," said the one with the nose piercing. The Uber driver asked if there were any other Subways around, and the guy pointed there was one up the street. Of course, she evidently wasn't from our side of town. Damn, that phone just wouldn't stop ringing.

Finally, he took our order. And I accidentally got the full chicken salad wrap so the whole meal was over 24 bucks. I did not feel like giving a tip. The wrap wasn't bad, but not great. I at least had the other half for dinner, well..somebody ate it. Not me.

Naturally, we both decided we should have gone to Chipolte and skipped the trip to WalMart. I guess I'll look harder for that gift card next time.


  1. Next time, and beware gift card scams!

  2. Uno debe tener cuidado. Te mando un beso.

  3. Que chato isso, em?
    Eu ando decepcionada com o restaurante de comida chinesa daqui: comida cara e que perdeu a qualidade. Mas encontrei outro restaurante agora, ainda bem! Beijos!

    1. How annoying is that, huh?
      I've been disappointed with the Chinese food restaurant here: expensive food that has lost quality. But I found another restaurant now, thankfully! Kisses! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Thanks for your comment. Globally, I think we are all paying more these days. & then they want you to tip at a sandwich place. Oh, if it had been amazing..maybe I would have, but these two didn't even want to be there. I could tell they were near the end of their shift. We went out for Chinese last night. Someone had told me the place had closed. They are only opened a few days a week now. But there were several customers. Lots of drive throughs. Although, new owners they still use the recipies that have been used there for at least 30 years or more. However, some of the cooks have been better than others.


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