Friday, August 16, 2024

Ren & Wade

Ren barely finds a way to make a coffee for herself at the coffee bar in the old bookstore. It's rather simple, just put the little cup in the Keurig machine and let the magic happen, but she has trouble opening the thing.

"What's the matter?" Miss Lily asks as her broad arm comes over her and a bouquet of Sweet Pea perfume wakes Ren as she jumps back. Miss Lily doesn't seem to have boundaries, but she hits the button and the lid opens. Of course, the water has to get hot first.

"Oh nothing," Ren shakes her head as if she's got this. She's wearing something librianish as in a long skirt and bulky sweater. Somehow, it is almost cold in here. And her Wade is as fetching as he ever was, even if she knows he feels tied down in the suit he's in.

"You look so tired, Baby." Her dark eyes look at Ren as if she's here to listen.

Ren sighs heavily. She can't think of anything. After all, she knows a lot more of Wade now. She wishes she'd just had her red wine at bedtime now, but he kept her awake for a good long while.

Of course, they kissed. They kissed a lot places on each other. It was quite an intense study just figuring out what they liked about each other's mouths. But then he would have to stop and rant about how hot it was and how he was going to turn the place into an ice box. Then he'd chill and they were back to touching.

Naturally, he said she started it. Then the test came about why they should not have intercourse.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Wade got a little jumpy when she mentioned condoms. They didn't have any.

"Well, good," he'd said. "I don't want one."

They sat up in bed and argued til two in the morning about it.

"If I'd only known I was going to meet someone, like you-"

"You should be on birth control," he'd snapped. After all, she was the one who knew everything. 

Of course, she couldn't sleep after that.

She waits for her coffee. She has to have sugar. Especially, this morning. 

"Are you and Wade all right?" Miss Lily says she knows he's not her brother. "You two are a couple."

"Oh, we're just friends," Ren winces hard. "He's just know..has a lot to figure out."

"Do you think his folks know where he is?"

"Well." Ren takes her coffee. Miss Lily starts talking about her Better World Book account. She needs help. 

Ren looks to Wade as if he's supposed to oppose this. But Miss Lily wants her to follow her to the back office. 

Wade shrugs but then asks where is his coffee.

"You'll have to make it yourself, Mister," Miss Lily snaps. "It's slow right now. You can handle it." She eyes him as if he better work and not be an ass.

Ren smiles. If only he knew how to get her out of this.


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