Sunday, August 18, 2024

Ren & Wade

"It's a sex doll!"

Ren knows. Wade wasn't acting this hysterical when they were with Roni and his so-called girlfriend Sabrina a few minutes ago. Now he can't seem to settle down as if he's been through the worst moment of his life. But they were alone now in the bathroom.

"You were there," he looks at her as if she isn't supposed to be so calm.

"You were so nice to both of them," Ren knows it was hard for him to be alone with Roni. Maybe having a sex doll sitting there staring at him made him find a certain compassion for Roni. She doesn't know what he wants her to do. She'd played around as if Sabrina was real.

"How? How can we do this?" Wade winces as if this is impossible.

"It's what Roni wants," Ren shrugs. Yes, she was late for the party at the back table in the old bookstore, but she hopes she has the account all straightened out and Miss Lily isn't afraid to use her computer.

"It's not what I want," Wade sighs as he rubs his forehead in distress. They are in the staff bathroom together discussing Roni and his girlfriend. "I don't want to go out to dinner with them."

"Well, we are," Ren hugs herself with a shrug. "After all, you said we would."

"Did I?" He's in a stomp, twisting and turning in an old man's suit.

"You're a nice person." Ren tilts her head and gives him a lopsided grin.

"Am I?" He doesn't look well. He looks as if he might be coming down with something.

"You said he could stay with her at the shack."

"I don't remember saying that," Wade bites his bottom lip with his hands on his hips. Finally, he pulls a strand of blonde hair behind his ear. "I must have been drunk when I said that."

"You only had coffee." Ren gives him a stern look.

"Maybe, it's low blood sugar," His fit is calming. Maybe.

"I brought sandwiches," she says they should go to the breakroom and have lunch.

"Good." He nods. But he shakes his head. It's as if he's done the unthinkable. Letting someone live at his shack with a sex doll.


  1. The never ending story of ren and wade🙂

  2. Does anyone have a problem where blogger won't let you write what you want to say? When writing this last night, it kept changing my words and was impossible to write here. So I did what I could in notepad and copy pasted, but then I wanted to correct and add things, but blogger kept interrupting. This only happens on occasion. Not all the time. Thankfully.

  3. Uy esa pareja va tener problemas. Te mando un beso.


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