Sunday, August 4, 2024

Wednesday wasn't exactly Hump Day


I guess it could have been worse. After all, hail was in the forecast. But we got 80-mile straight winds and that left so much damage Wednesday evening. It is said to be the worst power outage we have had in history. And being so hot made it worse. Perhaps. Of course, we don't like going without power..and especially the Internet.

Some places did get power, but no Internet. That meant Cash only if you wanted to eat someplace. People are still without power around here, too. What a wake-up call? 

My friend's husband woke up sick yesterday morning. And couldn't stop throwing up. She found him passed out on the kitchen floor. She suspected he was dehydrated, but she was still having to mop up the sweat off the floor after he went to the ER in an ambulance. 

CVS is still using a big generator. 

Yes, we knew a storm was coming but not to this magnitude. Definitely some crazy weather this summer. Or seems any time of year, these days. 

Hopefully, more will have power by tomorrow. For the most part, the community has come together. The library has become a cooling station and a place to charge your phone. Many are buying generators these days.

It is a scary thought what it might be like to go without power. Driving can be a reckless atmosphere. 

 A part of me feels I could keep warmer during an ice storm. I remember the last time we went without power was about three or four days. Although, that was well over a decade ago. We put our frozen food in the snow to keep it. 

I remember how we thought we were part of the Survivor Show when we finally got to go to McDonalds. We were so happy to have a Big Mac!

This time around, you had to have cash to buy anything at Village Inn. The Internet was down so you couldn't use your card.

I guess it's a good idea to keep some cash handy for days like this. Hopefully, it won't become weeks, months, or years in the future.


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