Saturday, September 7, 2024


I started the insulin pen last night. I was told I could take the shot anytime..just once a day. Naturally, when I finally got the prescription it said to take it right after breakfast..but  usually, I am in a rush then. And I figured it might be best to remember 8 units after 8. And it wasn't bad. The shot. Of course, I have given myself shots before with Trulicity. This however involves changing out needles. Some of the major cost can be..just buying the needles and of course, the test strips are no picnic either. I may opt out and just get a drugstore brand test strip for the meter and test strips if I can't get my insurance to pay more. 

I've heard all week, "Poor you."

Although, my mother was a juvenile diabetic and I had seen her give herself shots all her life. And she might do it, anywhere at any time. I managed to stay in my room and did everything quickly and accurately.

My blood sugar was 120 this morning which is a lot lower than it has been, lately. And I have been trying with lots of veg, no creamy dressings, making my own croutons with low-cal bread and olive oil. Of course, I am also fighting IBS-D as well and in some cases pancreatitis. These kinds of things can make you more of an introvert. 

The weather has gotten cooler. Don't  know how long that might last. September might get away from us before we know it. Here's to make the best of it. The Apple Jack festival here won't happen until later in the month.



  1. Uau insulin. Very brave to desceibe the experience

  2. Toma canela ayuda mejorar los niveles de insulina y si es dura la pluma pero te acostumbras. Te mando un beso.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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