Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Just the Little Things #848


This usually perks you up right away in a situation like that, but in my case, The Grandmother was calling somebody else my name.  Oh, the chapters of our lives just fall to new depths as we age. It took the doctors over a week to decide where she needed to go for rehab. The place she is in wanted to send her to the memory unit to keep from falling, but she is of sound mind, even if a good portion of the day her eyes are closed. Still, she knows things.

I did survive the birthday party. It was a crowded house, but there was pizza and cake and a lot of unicorn poop. 

We also had our majestic Maple removed over the weekend. I always thought it was hollow, and a bunch of squirrels and raccoons lived inside, but it was sturdy through and through. As the limbs came down, the house shook. You can see the streetlight very well in the night now. Last winter a few small limbs fell on the house. And after a big wind storm a few weeks ago, the neighbor asked when it was coming down because he feared some limbs might hit his and his roommates' car.  Still, it feels like an end of an era.

And just last night my husband finally went to the ER. He's in the hospital.


  1. It's always the little things that matter the most

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the tree. And your grandmother.

    Oh no I hope everything's alright.

  3. Espero que tus esposo este bien . Me da mucha pena tu abuela. Te mando un beso.

  4. Sorry for your grandmother my dear, wish you happy moments of life.

  5. Sorry for your grandmother my dear, wish you happy moments of life.


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