Friday, January 31, 2025

Viky Chen


Viky Chen (Wen Qi) might not be your typical Chinese Beauty. But she is a strong lead in anything she is in. Somehow, she can make her co-star shine, even if it is her character's talent to be smarter, and a problem solver that her co-star isn't. 

The first time I spotted her in a Chinese drama was Eagle & Youngster. Such a rich character actress who shined through any dilemma. Recently, I have seen her in The Bionic Life and I am happy to see this actress moving forward. To me, she is the perfect prototype for a video game. Although, there is always something sincere in her presences. I look forward to seeing her in more Chinese cinema. Maybe she will be in more Tawian dramas, too, since that is where she is from. She won the Golden Horse award in supporting actress and best actress, already. She is 21 years old


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