Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wade & Ren

 "Are you looking down on me?" 

Wade couldn't think of anything nice to say as he pulled his wavy blonde hair back into his head so she could take him seriously. As it was, he got home an hour or so after supper. He was tired. His left eye flinched. Yes, he was sore, his limbs felt like they couldn't last a minute longer and there was Ren with her arms crossed as if she was cross with him. 

"You're doing too much." Her words worried him.

The hot stew steamed at the dining table. Crusty day-old French bread waited to be dipped in the hot brown broth. She'd found the loaf at the free table in the concave between the bookstore and the coffee shop. He knew. He looked there every day too. 

"No, I'm not." 

His words were of anger. He didn't know how to act around her lately. What was she expecting? A lap dog.

"Why haven't you eaten already?" She was nagging. That serious look in her eyes was maddening.

"Cause, you won't shut up." 

His frown was small and bitter. He plopped himself down in front of the hot meal. He didn't want to be alone. He didn't want to be this way, either.

She sucked in a breath to walk away, but he caught her forearm and held it, looking up at her, he knew she was worried about their situation. What was he supposed to do, wait until a spring thaw? He meant to say he was sorry but pulled her to lap instead. 

He missed her scent of sweet lavender soap. When he hugged her, he felt he could finally relax.

"There's a job I've applied for at the bank," Ren said. "You need to take care of yourself. I don't want you to get hurt."

"What are you talking about?" He fumed with a sour lip. "I'm not going to get hurt."

"We'll be fine here," she said.

"But..but I want us to be alone, together."

It was a simple thing. Having their own home. He hated this situation with her Great Aunt. Sure they could look in on her every day. But did they have to live here too?

"You'll feel trapped," Her thin straight lip looked as if she might be the one trapped.

Wade sighed. He rubbed the spot between her shoulders that always made her need him more. He knew this much.

"Everything is fine, just let me worry about it, will you," Wade looked up at her sleepily. She moved so he could eat. Not a word she said. He knew she was like this. She always did what she wanted. He needed to remember this. He just hoped she didn't get that job. He'd hate to envy her if she was a teller.


  1. Aww a little tension! She cares but he's so conflicted. I hope they can talk and work things through...

    Love that set!

  2. Amazing chapter, like always
    I hope you have an amazing day and end of the week
    My day was a little bad, I am in one of this days your know, woman thing, so it hurts a lot and I am so tired
    I hope you have a better day than me
    Hugs ♥

  3. Uy es terrible hacer un trabajo que no te gusta. Te mando un beso.

  4. Hola!! es feo esa sensación de que se necesitan juntos, pero el sentir que la otra persona pueda estar atrapada en esa casa lo cambia todo.

  5. They will work it out if they love each other...the hot stew and crusty bread sound really great.


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