Wednesday, February 26, 2025

A shift in the weather among other things

 Back at it again..evidently. These were two rescues I found yesterday at Thrift World. It was the first time I had ever found a stash of Barbies while thrifting. It was a busy aisle too. Children, grandmothers and youngsters. I was next to a young girl taking pics of some on her phone. "I can't get these, they aren't wearing clothes." Most were at two bucks. I switched their heads since I have friends who want a curvy Millie. At least I won't feel too foolish repainting them. Some day. I am still studying that part. And with JoAnn's going out of business there is only Michaels to go to now.

It has been such a warm-up this week. In other news we have a new grandbaby. Actually, they didn't know they were even pregnant until late January. All the while we have thought somebody might be for the longest while. Melvin arrived by C-section after close to 48 hours in labor. He was just too big. In fact over nine pounds. But he looks to know what to do with Momma and they are doing fine. He is a big baby.


  1. I have never had a doll when I was a kid...we always played outside with neighbours' can't relate to the desire of collecting babies...Congratulations on the big grandbaby!

    1. Barbies have always brought me creativity from making clothes and telling stories. I didn't have a neighborhood of kids while growning up in the outback of Texas. The Barbies I did have were given to me when the a friend int own's daughter didn't want them anymore. And for many years I didn't notice them. Although, I kept a few in the box from the late 80's and 90's. It has been nice to discover them again. Although, I'm not a real Barbie collector. I hope to send these to someone who will enjoy them.


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