Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Boarding House - Sarah

From Greg at Book Haven

 "He did what?"

Sarah smiled tremulously at Mina's reaction. Her eyes were wide, and she was sitting on the edge of the bed, slack-jawed. It was pretty much the reaction she'd expected. 

"He came in to the girls' bathroom and..." she was brushing her hair out, it was still a little damp,"and... I don't know, he said.. I had a nice ass." 

"A nice...?" Mina sputtered. "What the actual...?" She seemed to be increasingly at a loss for words. "What..." She took a deep breath, took a drink of her iced tea. "Okay." Gulp. "What... what then...?"

Sarah couldn't help but smile. "Then he took off. Like a shot. I don't even know why he was there!" She had a suspicion,of course, but it wouldn't do to say that. Just as she wasn't sure about her own reaction. She'd screamed, of course. Get out. That was her first reaction. Her second reaction, though... had it been disappointment? That he'd... left?

No, surely not. He was a perv and shouldn't have been in there. 


Penley walked in then. "What's up?" She could sense immediately that something was happening. "Is everything alright?"

"Oh, it's alright," Mina exclaimed. "Do you know what fucking Fitz did? He barged into the women's shower while Sarah was in there. Practically propositioned her!"


"No, it's okay," Sarah laughed, raising her hands. "It's alright. No harm done." She needed to calm this down. Why was she defending him?

"It is not alright," Mina growled. "Wait til Kirby hears about this. He'll kick his ass all over..."

"No! No, no, Mina, don't," Sarah pleaded. "I don't want him to know. It'll get... ugly..."

"Sarah! We can't just let this go. We could tell Olivia, get him kicked out."

"She's right, Sarah," Penley added. "You can't just let this go."

"I can, and I will." At least for now. "He looked mortified. I mean, I'm not even sure he knew where he was!"

"Yeah, right," Mina scoffed. "Guy's an effing loser, I'm sure he knew exactly what he was doing!"

Sarah smiled. "Mina, you're the best. I appreciate this, I really do. But I don't want to make a huge production out of this. Can you trust me on this... for now?"

Mina looked skeptical, and so did Penley. 

What if I'm wrong?

Kirby happened to walk by then on his way to his room. "Hey, girls."

Mina looked at Sarah with a raised eyebrow. "Sarah. Tell him."

"No. Not... yet." She was so torn. She knew Fitz was trouble. And yet... 


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